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What the NWT heard

July 25, 2013

The NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy (EOS) Advisory Panel published a report on a strategy for developing an economic opportunities strategy for the NWT.

The main recommendations of the advisory panel:

a)People are essential – the NWT cannot grow its economy with a stagnant population.  Similarly, community wellness will be reflected in a healthy economy;

b)The NWT’s potential, as it is represented in renewable and non-renewable resources, is largely unrealized – as are its people;

c)Economic incentives must begin with local entrepreneurs and community based businesses that provide sustainability and growth in community economies; 

d)Economic opportunities and development must be considered and measured according to the benefits provided to the NWT and its people; and

e)The NWT’s dependence on southern resources and people is not conducive to the economic health of the NWT. NWT Residents were unified in their desire to realize more effective uses for northern resources like power, wood pellets, farm produce, fish – and especially people.

A few interesting tidbits:

All tolled the report makes 90 recommendations for the territorial government.



The report focuses on what government can do to enhance opportunities for its citizenry. The emphasis on skills training is important.

The report glosses over the resource development projects that could come to fruition in the next 20 years. It would have been helpful to mention these in the context of government policies.
