‹ Energy

Energy corporation strat plans - Yukon vs. NWT

July 07, 2012

Both the Yukon and NWT have Crown-owned energy corps to produce most of the electrical energy in their territories.

Both Yukon Energy (YEC) and Northwest Territories Energy (NTE) have have similar sized customer bases (15,000 -20,000). Both companies are in the midst of regulatory proceedings to increase rates in the 6-7% range each year over the next 2 years. Both are regulated by territorial public utilities Boards. Both have agreements with ATCO entities for the distribution side of the business.

Both have strategic plans posted on their websites. A few observations on the plans:




Both documents by their nature are somewhat vague and general. The NT Energy plan is lame in that it does not provide demand projections.The YEC plan is more useful and sets out the strategic context more clearly.

It would be useful if the utilities could expound on the costs and benefits of the different energy supply choices.
