Generally speaking the further East you go the more you will pay for electricity in the far north. This little table compares residential electricity rates.
Bellow the comparison below assumes 1000 kWt usage in a month. The costs shown are residential not wholesale costs. Rates include all riders and surcharges. The total includes taxes. In Canada GST = 5%.
Both Yukon Energy and NWT Power, the main producers and wholesalers in the Yukon and NWT, respectively, have initiated general rate increases in the 6-7% per annum range. The Public Utilities Board in the Yukon has established unified rates for all communities, while in the NWT and Nunavut rates basically vary by community, ie. rates are tagged to the underlying cost structure. The rates in Nunavut reflect the infrastructure which is entirely based on diesel with a plant required for each community. As well there is no road access—fuel must be shipped in.